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The term corner kick in Spanish is "tiro de equina," or "corner shot"...thus this humorous play on words as a disgruntled wife is ready to gun down her husband and his mistress while waiting around the corner. The image also reinforces negative…
In this image he is described as a "caudillo"
Hoping for a better season in 1966, the article expresses a desire for Argentine fútbol to move past "bochornosos espectáculos donde abundarán las agresiones, el juego brusco, la indisciplina y la incultura."
Quino (famous for his cartoon "Mafalda") offered occasional illustrations on fútbol for "Sport." Here, he pokes fun at the excessive marking typical of the modern game.
The cartoon delivers 2 observations: club officials have turned desperate to field players while the professionals are on strike, and the spirit of the potrero and the pibe remains the only viable solution to the greed and money in soccer.
This piece by Ribas is part of an ongoing feature in La Cancha entitled "La opiniones de Justiniano Calles". In this piece, and the accompanying cartoon, the author asks how peaceful fans can become violent?
Violence and assault are so commonplace that they are minimized through humor
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