Browse Items (141 total)
An example of how the federal government, via its interventor, penalized players for improper conduct
The invasion of playing fields - a normal occurrence in Argentine fútbol - escalates and poses a threat to security as social violence in Argentina grows in the early 1970s
Perón endured an attempt to remove him from power in June of 1954, and what followed were several months of unease as the president attempted to dialogue with military leaders opposed to his rule. This editorial offers support for the beleaguered…
The propaganda machine is in full effect as Mundo Argentino uses images from the vast gathering at the Casa Rosada to argue that the Argentine people are solidly behind Juan Perón.
This article shows that violent aggression towards referees went back as early as 1917
This article calls for unity to stop the violent aggression towards referees that continued in 1917
This piece is a call to action to bring the behavior of fans at fútbol matches in line with the peaceful scenes in other sports
Police launch gas canisters into the crowd to disperse unruly fans
The article criticizes fans for demanding victories and turning violent when matches do not go in their favor.
Fan takes out revolver and shoots at a soccer match in the province of Bahía Blanca
The term corner kick in Spanish is "tiro de equina," or "corner shot"...thus this humorous play on words as a disgruntled wife is ready to gun down her husband and his mistress while waiting around the corner. The image also reinforces negative…
Unlike more established sports magazines, the death of Mario Linker makes the front cover of Campeón. Here is where the police in indicted in the press for its repressive tactics.
Little mention of the role of the police
Jornalist El Bachiller wrote a weekly column, of which he dedicated a bit this week to the problems in Liniers. He appeals to civility and rememberance near Mother's Day for the woman who lost a son.
The article warns that a new type of young male goes to the stadiums only to incite violence or commit crimes, not watch the game
Citing they inability to police mass amounts of fans, and growing incidents that take place at stadiums, clubs are petitioning for more police presence. They also cite that the lower division teams are in a worse situation.
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