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Sports and the popular press


This weekly publication, considerably shorter in length compared to other sports magazines, was aimed at the working-class soccer fan. It contained more gossip and sensationalist articles than El Gráfico or Mundo Deportivo.




Paper tabloid

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[various articles]
The cover image and title allude to a corrupt collusion that would ensure host England's victory at the 1966 World Cup, even at the expense of Argentina.

[various articles]
The cover image and title allude to a corrupt collusion that would ensure host England's victory at the 1966 World Cup, even at the expense of Argentina.

J.C. Lorenzo y su verdad del mundial
Coverage eventually shifted to unearth the controversies and team discord that affected the national team in England.

[various articles]
Various articles continue to cover the controversial decisions that led to Argentina's exit at the 1966 World Cup. Articles are especially helpful because the exit was at the hands of England: the "teacher" of the sport and a colonial presence in…

[various articles]
Various articles cover the controversial decisions that led to Argentina's exit at the 1966 World Cup. Articles are especially helpful because the exit was at the hands of England: the "teacher" of the sport and a colonial presence in Argentina. The…

El robo del siglo en un campeonato 'Made in England'
The cover image and title allude to a corrupt collusion that would ensure host England's victory at the 1966 World Cup, even at the expense of Argentina.

[various articles]
Various articles cover the "fall-out" of Argentina's poor performance at the World Cup.

[various articles]
Various articles cover the "fall-out" of Argentina's poor performance at the World Cup.

[cover image] "El colmo de la desvergüenza: 'en Suecia fue todo normal' "
Cartoon pokes fun at the histerical reactions after Sweden 1958 and how critics ignore the root causes.

Ahora si podemos asegurar que tenemos el mejor fútbol
Worth noting the change in language and tone in this report of Estudiantes' victory

Los colegas ingleses y los 'salvajes de las pampas'…
Article is useful for taking into account a foreign lens

Fue un fiasco como expresión de fútbol
A more analytical account of the Intercontinental Cup

¿Fué fatalidad ó negligencia?
Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.

Derrumbe de un sistema
A popular sports magazine's look at the physical attacks against AC Milan players by Estudiantes

Ya tenemos la Ley del Deporte
Interesting to contrast with AFA's Memorias y Balances, and El Grafico

La selección nacional ¿Maschio v. Estudiantes, Estudiantes v. Maschio?
Interesting article to see how AFA and national team coaches do not embrace or accept Estudiantes, despite its success
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