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Sports-related advertisements


A collection of advertisements from the 1940s-1960s, either related to sports or from sports magazines

Collection Items

Advertisements from El Hogar (August 13, 1915)
The first advertisement is one of the earliest advertisements for soccer goods from the popular store Gath & Chaves. The second is an advertisement for chocolate that draws upon negative stereotypes of a black woman as a nanny for white children…

Ads in the special August issue, 1950
This particular issue is interesting because it attracted a wide range of sponsors, which saw an opportunity to reach a larger audience due to the new stadium's opening and the special issue of Racing. As a result, the ads here were not directed to…

Ads in May, 1950
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico

Ads in February, 1950
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico

Ads in January, 1950
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico

Ads in December, 1970
Christmas season ads.

Ads in January and February, 1970
The most noticeable shift in advertisements from 1955 to 1970 is the shift from the collective (family, brotherhood) and personal grooming to the individual, with a focus on cars, music, outdoor adventure, and a man's partner (families are…

Ads in December, 1955
These ads were aimed at readers of El Gráfico, most of whom were middle-class men. The ads change, however, in December, as Christmas approaches. They now focus on children and spouses and less on male hygiene.

Ads in January, 1952
These ads were aimed at readers of El Gráfico, most of whom were middle-class men.

Clothing ad
Ads for tailored suits of the business executive were by means not confined to the late 1950s and 1960s.

Ad for films produced in Argentina
Luis Sandrini's new film headlines the September issue, while August issue shows a young female with an obvious sensuality as boys peak a sneak at her exposed leg.

Ad for films produced in the Unites States
Notice how the men stand in heroic poses, while women are subjugated to a secondary role as those who are to be saved
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