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Helpful piece to see how different sectors feel about a coup in 1966
The commentary by Grondona suggests that the model for the military coup were the similar approaches in De Gaulle's France, Franco's Spain, and Branco's Brazil. The question is what the new government means by "revolutionary" and what new powers have…
A helpful look at how a non-military politician positions himself as both a non-Peronist and as a civilian with an alternative plan for the country.
The election of Frondizi is hailed as the return of democracy (as opposed to the dictatorship under Perón)
Frondizi is sent into exile in 1962. Here is one of the earliest interviews with the deposed President.
The increase in violence, social disorder, and labor protests have led to many influential military leaders looking for an alternative solution. Onganía will be out of power within the year. [The sidebar is worth a read. Also: the following week…
After the fall of Peron, an open debate emerged about the university system
"Don't rush to judgement" seems to be a recurring opinion in this piece, which labels the two-month period after Peron's fall as a revolutionary age (the same term Peronists applied to the preceeding 10 years)
Frondizi and Cipriano Reyes are two of the key figures emerging in the political arena after Peron's fall
The article suggests that opposition to Peron had been brewing for 10 years and that the eventual overthrow, and subsequent transition period, shows many of the tactics Peron employed
The article alludes to a restrictive educational environment under Peron and that the provisional government will lead to a more open and accessible university system
This article reflects a prevailing notion that with Peron exiled, and Peronism proscribed, the best route for the new government is to move forward through leniency. It also quotes Eduardo Lonardi, who said that in the new Argentina "(no hay) ni…
Jauretche, an influential journalist, sees popular support for Arturo Frondizi as a marker that the Argentine people are rewriting their history and finally embracing civility over militarism; however, Frondizi's rise may only mark the melding of…
The author suggests that the "liberación revolucionaria" was only for 50% of the country and that the military government was once again restricting freedom, much like Perón. Instead, the Frondizi years showed that liberties did not threaten…
The state-directed university system under Peron has given way to an equally elitist view of education where international intellectuals dictate curriculum, rather than listen to the needs of the people and offer courses more in line with national…
At a crossroads, the author boils down the debate over how university systems should be structured into 2 camps: liberals and nationalists/populists; the former favor an open education and the latter favor a continued curriculum dictated by a small…
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