Browse Items (36 total)
Sensing that AFA officials and club directors were acting slow to address their concerns, players go on strike at the midway point of the 1948 season. From their vatnage point, AFA officials felt that players were being obstinate, which is why they…
The author doesn't understand why the same socios who whistle and jeer the club directors and commission are relunctant to participate and help in club activities.
The magazine does not make it clear that a rupture of relations should only involve River's administration; nonetheless, the article portrays Racing as the jilted bride whose wooing made it possible for one of Argentina's greatest players to return…
In the wake of the 1955 coup and subsequent proscription of Peronism, the magazine is aghast as to why the federal intervention of AFA led to amnesty of club officials and players sympathetic to Peron
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