Browse Items (85 total)
Lorenzo assesses the bad performance of Argentina in the World Cup and says that Argentine players need to give up on improvisations
This is a complex article, a bit unfocused, on the fate of coaches resting on more than success: the professionalism of their players and the constant discussion of finances.
The twenty questions seek to understand Frondizi's governing philosophy
For Pizzuti, there is no more of "that old" soccer; Argentina does not possess the players needed to play the old way Instead, his approach is on strong defense, counter attacks, and a style of soccer approaching "totalk football": everyone runs,…
Brief interview with Osvaldo Zubeldía, another of the so-called "modernists" who promote anti-football Yet, Zubeldia does not see himself in this same light and actually accuses players who do play a rigid style, fixed to one position, as disobeying…
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