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The titles of the first two articles, and corresponding sub headings, suggest a travesty and injustice: "fraude", "robo", and "verdugo". The third article is a look at how the foreign press saw the match between Argentina and England.
The recurring violence at fútbol stadiums, according to the author, will reveal Argentina to the outside world…as a nation of disorder, mayhem, and lawlessness (if the world does not already view Argentina this way.)
A look at the coverage of Frondizi's election
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
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