Browse Items (60 total)
Perhaps an inconsecuential article, nonetheless it reveals a fundamental divide between those whose traditional views exclude scholars and specialists from outside of soccer from the sport (Panzeri), and those whose academic credentials are values as…
Follow up to article from 7/6/1960: Mogilevsky
Masculinity, proper etiquette, and class sensibilities are all on display in this interesting piece by El Grafico
Magazine lays some blame on the head coach and physical trainer of the national team for not standing up to club officials/coaches, and for not demanding respect for their positions by allowing the AFA to continue its path of haphazard scheduling and…
Lazzatti offers solutions ot the four problems affecting national soccer: order, understanding, respect, and knowledge
Helpful article that shows a more rationale, scientific approach towards preparing athletes on the national team…and the organization required by AFA officials to support players
An interview with national team player Pedro Calomino revelas how players were troubled by the lack of organization and professionalism by AFA authorities
Several reasons appear as to why the quality of soccer dimished greatly, according to the magazine, in 1957: the import of players from the interior and overseas who are unaccustomed to how soccer is played in Bs As, the failure to develop strong…
Players threatened to go on strike in April 1948 over salaries, transfers and other issues that they felt should be handled by club owners in a more professional manner. AFA intervened, which showed the severity of the situation, and ultimately the…
Three letters (out of 6--the other ones are not legible) by fans on what ails River. The theme throughout all of these is professionalism. One reader points to Gatti's disheveled hair and clothing eccentricities.
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