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This commentary takes the police to task for complaining about how the press covers their methods of subduing passionate soccer fans While on the one hand the police are needed to re-establish order, it is also the responsibility of the press to…
Ernesto Lazzatti uses a recent incident, where a Racing fan stormed the press box of a soccer match to attack a journalist over what he perceived as "unfair" press coverage, to speak more broadly abou the growing violence associated with differences…
Surprising threats from Racing fans against El Grafico, feeling that their team was being disparaged by the sports magazine Police react seriously to threats
By now, typical tactics by players flames passions on and off the field
Since 1957, the number of articles that lament the loss of attractive soccer and the rise of defensive styles grows [seen again later in the issue, pgs 42-43]
Although Argentina won the tournament it hosted, in a 1-1 tie with Brazil, the national team did not play a good tournament This is also a correct statement on all the teams in the tournament What is interesting is that the 1958 World Cup seems to…
Citing the physical play by Brazil, Argentina, and others, Panzeri notes that there are no teams that exhibit "good" soccer Instead, the modern approach that emphasizes speed and physicality has taken over and mastery of the ball is only seen in few…
Despite being left out of the main coverage of the inaugural match between Argentina and Chile in the 1959 Copa Sudamericana, this article highlights the embarassing invasion and physicality of "hinchas" at the games on the first two days of the Cup…
A nice overview of the why, where, and how soccer schools will introduce a national plan of action Implicit in this overview is that club-level schools will need to fall in place with any national initiatives
By breaking down the specific aspects of modern soccer, Panzeri comes to the conclusion that the Argentine player should not forget how to play "lo nuestro" but will have to come to grips with the reality of the modern game: no fixed position,…
Journalist explains how tradition and modernity can go hand-in-hand: the Argentine player is naturally born into a "school" of soccer born in Argentina, but now employs a modern approach to training based on professionalism, researching opponents and…
Younger players, more discipline, stricter training regime…all point to a promising new start with the national team
Panzeri believes that it is important to understand the root of the problems in Argentinean soccer In the first article, he takes a critical look at sports journalism and their role in perpetuating this situation if they do not realistically comment…
Listing fan violence, poor play, "hinchas", and negligence by club owners as the prime causes of a poor 1958 season, the tone is somewhat hopeful that the next season will not be as bad
players are included in the list of people ruining soccer, with physical play that promotes a heated environment
El Gráfico published two articles in successive weeks that praised South American soccer in opposition to what Italy exhibited To punctuate the difference, they highlight comments from an Italian coach who praises a fluid South American style with…
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