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Helpful to see how a non-sports magazine profiles fútbol players.
The article suggests that the crack is an idea that one senses, but he tries to provide a rational description

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The article presents to readers some of the ways players used their hands to gain an advantage during a match, or to prevent the opponent from doing the same. Of note is that the term "cracks" is already in use.
The cover to Mister Bull dedicated to one of Racing's best players is an example of the idolatry for footballers in the age of popular celebrities (and the role of the press in creating celebrities).
The author finds solace in the work stoppage of professional soccer players by observing how many of them have returned to the bare potreros and remembered what it was like to play for fun. He sees this as a throwback to days filled with images of…
Clarín emerged as a major newspaper in the wake of the Peronist government's takeover of La Prensa. This an excerpt of their sports section.
Ardizzone selets a few "crack" players from the so-caled "golden age" of Argentine fútbol and measures each players' strengths and weaknesses in order to assess whether they could succeed in the modern game.
Interview with the new "crack" of Argentine soccer: Menotti Is he a "crack", or does he exemplify the exact attitude, belief, and style of soccer favored by El Grafico?
The author wonders if the passion and melodrama of annointing your favorite player as the next "crack" is actually good for players and the sport
Using examples like Perinetti (Alumni) and Pedernera (Racing), the article examines how "cracks" have changed over the years to today's stars like Teófilo Cubillas from Perú.
Players typically graced the covers of Racing, with high trust placed upon them to deliver victories. Here, José García Pérez is a true "crack," the "Pibe Sangre" who is emerging out of a rough patch to resume his starting role with the club team.
A counter narrative to other articles that wondered why Argentine players struggled in Italy.
Automobile, crack, love, and a puppy. The middle-class lifestyle of star players like Corbatta.

The latest film parternship by directors Leopoldo Torres Nilsson and Leopoldo Torres Rios, and actor Armando Bo, "El hijo del crack," premiered at Normandie cinema in 1953. The movie is a spiritual companion to "Pelota de trapo" and continues to look…
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