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Physical education was a central focus of the 2nd Quinquenal and its program for school age children
The links between Perón and sports grows stronger each year
Perón awards the trophy to the Argentine captain
Perón is characterized as "un deportista integral y maestro de la juventud en el cultivo del músculo y la fortaleza de la moral". The article goes on to credit Perón as a "pioneer", who was the captain of the basketball team at the military academy…
Citing Perón's commitment to social justice, the article lauds sports and labor as the foundation of society and the government's emphasis means that it will focus its energies on making both available to all citizens. The article mentions the…
"Correcting the deficiencies of the masters of this sport", Argentina defeats the USA and becomes world champions. "Técnica, entusiasmo, método, educación colectiva, corazón" are all emblematic of criollo basketball.
Much emphasis is placed on the "victoria rotunda" of Argentina over the USA
Carlos Aloé uses his magazine as a way to congratulate the basketball team and celebrate the greatness of the New Argentina. A large portion of the second half of the magazine is dedicated to this victory.
The second Evita tournament kicks off, with the participation of "estos pequeños cracks"
El Gráfico ran a series of ads for English-made bicycles, but Mundo Deportivo ran ads for an Argentine-made bicycle. The bike is "criolla", much like the dark haired woman next to it.
The article suggests that the crack is an idea that one senses, but he tries to provide a rational description

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The ad states that it has been 3 years of social action to protect the nation's children
The ad states that it has been 3 years of social action to protect the nation's senior citizens
Another example of Peronist usurpation of secondary sports
Citing their humanity, the magazine pleads with readers to respect referees, who are not perfect and make mistakes.
Using images to make their case, the magazine notes that athletes have lost respect for each other and an ability to demonstrate a noble spirit.
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