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Citing crowds in favor of Frondizi and free elections, and against a continuation of military rule, the article argues that the country is beginning to chafe under strict meausres.
The labor union proposes an increase in salaries for those who handle tickets. AFA's initial refusal leads to government mediation. The first set of data looks at what UTEDYC proposes, while the second set is the end result.
The labor union proposes an increase in salaries for support staff. AFA's initial refusal leads to government mediation. The first set of data looks at what UTEDYC proposes, while the second set is the end result (below what the union asked for).…
The UTEDYC, part of the CGT, requests a salary increase for its members. The chart illustrates actual earnings, salaries from 1954, what AFA proposes, and what UTEDYC proposes. The ruling, as is the norm, falls well below the amount petitioned.
Compare to data from 1960 and 1961
For some reason AFA is involved in this negotiation, presumably because of the importance that fútbol played in clubs and their ability to fund other sporting activities–such as education classes and training.
First major labor dispute since 1949
Language demonstrates a negative attitude towards the players and the loss of revenue that the strike caused. There's also a brief blurb about the English referees contracted for 1949.
FEDEDAC (federación de empleadores de asociaciones deportivas de aficionados) seems to have arranged a compromise with AFA that UTEDYC was not in favor of, so the case goes to arbitration.
The two documents display how little the UTEDYC is able to obtain, but also the non-monetary requests that are important to employees.
The labor union proposes an increase in salaries for support staff. AFA's initial refusal leads to government mediation. The first set of data looks at what UTEDYC proposes, while the second set is the end result (below what the union asked for).…
The labor union proposes an increase in salaries for those who handle tickets. AFA's initial refusal leads to government mediation. UTEDYC asks for a 50% raise.
Players effectively hang their boots (cleats) and walk away from the 1948 season.
Sensing that AFA officials and club directors were acting slow to address their concerns, players go on strike at the midway point of the 1948 season. From their vatnage point, AFA officials felt that players were being obstinate, which is why they…
Club officials place sanctions on players for heavy losses due to their strike, but the article asks a good question: are fans equally to blame for their insistence, as club associates, for major products that lead to club debts?
Article presents the grievances and concerns of club officials, AFA, and the players
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