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Very critical article about the lessons still not grasped in Argentine soccer: winning at all costs does not work
The best part of this article is that it highlights two seminal moments that defined Argentine soccer: the 1958 World Cup (worst disaster) and the 1964 Cup of Nations (best success) Both tournaments produced noticeable shifts in Argentine soccer The…
El Grafico is tired of hearing about changing mentality …then proceeds to list all the ills of Argentine soccer and says the worst part is that Argentine players play like they are afraid to lose
Useful article because it examines two different philosophies of soccer: attack at all costs, or defend and win at all costs? The article ignores that both teams emphasized a very tight and physical defense
The article asks what happened to Racing, noting its abandonment of attacking football and adoption of the same-old, same-old: cautious and defensive soccer to win at all costs Did El Grafico bother to ask whether that mentality always existed, but…
From an attractive long-ball style to cautious and tough defensive approach, Racing changes style to win the tournament Did it change? Or did they simply change focus of their own style?
Like Racing the year before, Estudiantes sets out to win,play collectively, and with humility Unlike Racing in 1966, this team "muerde", plays tough, and is more noted for asphixiating their opponents on the field
Racing's victory, going back to a more attacking soccer, is praised in El Grafico
Known for his violent and overly physical style of play, which also defined his Estudiantes team, El Grafico tries to understand Pachame's approach to soccer and the criticisms leveled at him
He credits Adolfo Mogilevsky as the person who revolutionized Argentine soccer (in other words he modernized it)
Helpful summary of the changes in Argentine soccer of the late 1960s
The last quote by Bilardo and Zubeldia sums it up: Argentine have shown that they can best the Europeans at their style (not just sport): physicality
Boca Juniors in 1969 was the antithesis of Estudiantes Both teams succeeded but Boca Juniors did so by playing an attacking style of soccer Is this a change and return back to criollismo?
Nice article that summarizes the different approaches to playing soccer in Argentina (based on Racing, Estudiantes, and Boca's style)
1970 is a year where a turn occurs in Argentinean soccer (that can actually be attributed to Boca '69 or even racing '67)
He regrets what happened in 1969 and defends his philosophy and approach to the game Zubeldia also has choice words for DiStefano and Labruna
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