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Hoping for a better season in 1966, the article expresses a desire for Argentine fútbol to move past "bochornosos espectáculos donde abundarán las agresiones, el juego brusco, la indisciplina y la incultura."
"Romanticismo en época de crudo materialismo" sums up the analysis of Argentine fútbol in 1965: low on goals, high on defensive tactics that prevent teams from scoring.
Citing that the poor play by two of the top teams in Argentina is neither old nor modern, the paper describes this match as one lacking in tactics and intelligent play. Instead, it was a match where tactics, technique, speed, effort, love for the…
Tactics, according to the paper, are leading to games like this one where one team bunkers down and prevents a goal-kicking the ball downfield without any sense of offense-while the other team has no clue how to break their opponent's defense. A…
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