Browse Items (186 total)
Interesting article because it offers praise for an Argentinean team (Racing) and its ordered style Here, the Brazilians play an aesthetically pleasing style of soccer but are no match for an academic and brillinat Racing team that is ordered and…
Article questions the relaxed approach in preparation for the 1958 World Cup It also notes that government ministers of the Consejo Tecnico appointed the new trainer: professor Jorge Borau
Based on the observations of Roberto Sbarra, this article examines the different approaches to soccer between Argentina and Europe Soccer practiced in Spain and Italy is more professional and overall complete
At the outset of the new soccer season, the editors highlight the horrible practice of raising ticket prices without any security that fans will not find themselves either locked out of a full-capacity stadium or smothered to death inside Nothing, it…
Article highlights the effects of the World Cup on the national soccer tournament and the haphazard decision-making at the AFA
Questions how soccer officials failed to see the scheduling problem, at the cost of club revenues, between the national tournament and the World Cup
In a letter to critical "hinchas", the author wonders if it is beneficial for fans to launch insults to players as they prepare for the World Cup
Panzeri lauds the qualities of Argentina's captain, Nestor Rossi, while lamenting the dearth of quality players to support him More troubling is that the players selected for the national team all possess disparate qualities that do not mesh well,…
After a series of unconvincing performances against Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequent criticism from fans and journalists (and AFA officials), this match turned ugly with 5 players expelled for violent incidents at the stadium in Huracan
Author look at the conditioning of European players and the parity that currently exists in world soccer He concludes that if Argentina is to maintain a supposed preeminence in world soccer, it needs to add European discipline, training, and…
After losing to Germany 3-1, Argentina beat Northern Ireland 3-1 and then lost to Czechoslovakia 6-1 Author blames the lack of professional seriousness by Argentine players in comparison to Europeans Argentine players enjoy soccer, but do not live…
Lack of seriousness, training, and discipline marred the performance of Argentina in comparison to European (and even Brazilian) players
A collection of past comments by the paper's writers on what ails Argentine soccer, In some ways, this collection is an "I told you so" that demonstrates the wisdom of sports journalists But it can also be seen as a way for the paper/ magazine to…
A dour article where the author finds little hope that beneficial changes can take place in Argentinean soccer Instead, he focuses on the multiple problems that exist and offers a few suggestions moving forward, Of note: adopting European methods and…
Paper finds the behavior of "hinchas" at the airport to have crossed lines with their taunting and insults The article also alludes to anonymous threats towards players, which prompted intense security at the airport Coins were thrown at the players
Criticizes the investigations and disciplinary measures by an AFA that is ineffectual and ignores the real problems with Argentinean soccer
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