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This provides a little more insight to the pre-Perón years.
Argentina becomes "world champion" in basketball in the inaugural tournament
The use of the term "potrero" to characterize Rácing is odd. While River Plate is nicknamed "Los Millionarios," Rácing is also a major club with a long history. The article suggests that River fans, in a prior victory over Rácing, labeled them a…
Interesting on two fronts: no reason is provided for why Argentina did not bother to show up in neighboring Brazil for the World Cup. It also reinforces the pride that Argentina shares with Uruguay's successes.
By dedicating their trophies to Juan Perón, Eva Perón, and Ramón Cereijo, Rácing honors their commitment to sports. This is a ceremonial gesture and shows how much Racing club officials benefited from close ties to the government.
Racing touts the signing for Mario Boyé from Italy's Genoa, but the transfer is not yet official. Fan magazines have a tendency to announce important signings before they become official (sometimes leading to a situation akin to a bride left at the…
Perhaps scheduled to facilitate the signing of Boyé, Rácing plays in Italty against Genoa.
As opposed to late 1946, when scant mention was made of Ramón Cereijo's membership to Rácing, every news about the Housing Minister is an opportunity in 1950 to wish him good luck. His role in securing the funds for the new stadium linked Rácing to…
Much emphasis is placed on the "victoria rotunda" of Argentina over the USA
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