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The term corner kick in Spanish is "tiro de equina," or "corner shot"...thus this humorous play on words as a disgruntled wife is ready to gun down her husband and his mistress while waiting around the corner. The image also reinforces negative…
The basketball championship receives front page for their victory
The players, who were owed some money by the club due to their success earlier in the year, protested by refusing to play. Instead, they sat in the stands and observed reserve players on the field. Fans, upset at the presence of the star players in…
The ad notes that before Perón raw materials were exported overseas and produced into finished products like cooking oil. Now, Argentina keeps its own raw materials and exports the finished product due to investments in national industry.
Mende makes the case for why "justicialismo" provides a third way beyond forces of spiritualism and materialism, between individualism and collectivism.
This particular issue is interesting because it attracted a wide range of sponsors, which saw an opportunity to reach a larger audience due to the new stadium's opening and the special issue of Racing. As a result, the ads here were not directed to…
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico
This magazine was aimed at a wide audience, unlike El Gráfico
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