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Commentary on lessons not yet learned from Sweden 1958 and the Linker death Panzeri laments the actions of club officials (with particular ire directed at Boca's President) who act less like administrators and more like "hinchas"
In llight of lessons learned at the 1958 World Cup, this article places a special emphasis on connecting the hard-working training regimen at Racing and the club's success It also characterizes the typical "professional" normally seen in Argentina,…
Condemns the actions of "hinchas" that overshadowed the soccer game and cost the life of a young fan Panzeri blames the animalistic fans, who threw projectiles at the River goalie throughout the match In turn, the River fans retaliated and police…
Summary of latest meetings and the decision to reform Argentinean soccer in the same way that Brazil undertookl reforms after 1950 and 1954
In a letter to critical "hinchas", the author wonders if it is beneficial for fans to launch insults to players as they prepare for the World Cup
Critiques the behavior and actions of both "hinchas" and the police The former is increasingly prone to throwing objects at players and referees, while the latter acts slowly to unruly fans (and then simply threatens to gas fans)
Looks at the difference between "hinchas" and spectators, and how the public encourages bad behavior
Another article dismissive of the calls for a European approach, citing the lack of perfecting the qualities of the Argentine style (which also include tactics, systems, and "cerrojos")
Criticizes the professionalism of Argentinean players, and the calls for a restructuring of AFA [sidebar mentions that Nestor Rossi missed 39 games over 3 and half years at River due to suspensions-bad behavior]
Provides a measured take on why Argentine soccer is self-defeating, from club policies to the politicization of the sport
Criticizes the investigations and disciplinary measures by an AFA that is ineffectual and ignores the real problems with Argentinean soccer
Paper finds the behavior of "hinchas" at the airport to have crossed lines with their taunting and insults The article also alludes to anonymous threats towards players, which prompted intense security at the airport Coins were thrown at the players
A dour article where the author finds little hope that beneficial changes can take place in Argentinean soccer Instead, he focuses on the multiple problems that exist and offers a few suggestions moving forward, Of note: adopting European methods and…
A collection of past comments by the paper's writers on what ails Argentine soccer, In some ways, this collection is an "I told you so" that demonstrates the wisdom of sports journalists But it can also be seen as a way for the paper/ magazine to…
Lack of seriousness, training, and discipline marred the performance of Argentina in comparison to European (and even Brazilian) players
After losing to Germany 3-1, Argentina beat Northern Ireland 3-1 and then lost to Czechoslovakia 6-1 Author blames the lack of professional seriousness by Argentine players in comparison to Europeans Argentine players enjoy soccer, but do not live…
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