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Any tournament that is under a foundation named for Juan or Eva Perón is named after the President or the First Lady
Two articles on female track and field athletes shows that the development of women's athletics predated the Peronist state and emerged within clubs and physical education programs at schools.
The first article describes a training school for track and field instructors in the interior of the country. It is under the direction of CAD, but organized by the City of Buenos Aires and the Commission for Physical Education. In the second…
A detailed report of the May Festibvals, which coincided with the Argentine federal holiday of May 25, as well as the 51st birthday of Queen Victoria. The first article shows the variety of family activties, including fireworks, parades, and…
The article announces the Buenos Aires Athletic Sports event, scheduled for May 21st, where participants can compete in numerous events.
The first interest meeting for an Athletics event was schedule for May 30, 1867 in Palermo. Events included flat race (100, 400 yards, 1 mile), length jump (running and standing), vaulting, high jump (running and standing), hammer throw, shot put,…
Fútbol's popularity leads AFA to donate a partial amount of gate receipts for the development of other sports. Another sign of Peronist influence.
A list of club successes in various competitions, including (but not limited to) bocce, track and field, basketball, judo, volleyball, wrestling, and cycling.
A list of club successes in various competitions, including (but not limited to) bocce, track and field, basketball, judo, volleyball, wrestling, and cycling.
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