Browse Items (81 total)
Derided by fans after the poor performance in the 1962 World Cup, Lorenzo returns to Argentina from Italy and immediately produces success for San Lorenzo, using the "catenaccio" style. While some fans disapprove of his tactics, the author reminds…
The value of this article is that it summarizes the effects of physical approaches to soccer that stifle creativity and lead to less goals
"Romanticismo en época de crudo materialismo" sums up the analysis of Argentine fútbol in 1965: low on goals, high on defensive tactics that prevent teams from scoring.
With the World Cup approaching, AFA has to select a national team coach. Their decision will speak volumes about how the team will play because the four men offer different approaches and tactics.
Helpful to see how a non-sports magazine profiles fútbol players.
San Lorenzo pins its hopes on Lorenzo to turn around its fortunes. An example of the era of "celebrity coaches"
One of the growing number of profiles on coaches in an age where they garnered a lot of attention.
This interview is helpful because Zubeldia addresses topics such as his reputation and tactics (including praise for Helenio Herrera) The beginning of a successful and controversial era in Argentine soccer
This request, from Senator Arturo Mor Roig, requests that Boca Juniors and other clubs that endeavor on major construction projects, avoid taxes during their building phase.
The request to absolve Boca Juniors from paying taxes on lands where they are constructing their Ciudad Deportiva is pushed to a vote, and approved.
Reader Enrique Rotti is upset about the sudden cancellation of cultural programs on television in favor of fútbol matches. He describes fútbol as a habit of those lacking culture.
Reader blasts the coverage of f˙tbol in the magazine. He describes f˙tbol players as neandrathals whho cannot write their own names but are still paid millions while true professionals have to leave the country to earn a living.
Juan Ramos Mejía writes to the magazine about the Carrizo-River Plate saga, noting that "professionalism" means different things to players and clubs but that organizations should not treat employees as commodities to be traded or sold at whim.
Great cartoon for "fútbol espectáculo"
As the brother to the Vice-President, Perette is another in a long line of AFA Presidents that were intimately tied to the head of state (such as Ramón Castillo in the early 1940s, Oscar Nicolini under Perón, and Frondizi's childhood friend Raúl…
Article examines how fútbol officials risked a lot of money in trying to arrange matches with foreign teams.
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