Browse Items (186 total)
The twenty questions seek to understand Frondizi's governing philosophy
By focusing on athleticism and training, no criticism is leveld at the style of polay of the Argentine player. 'Simply work harder' is the common lesson learned from 1958.
Helpful summary of all the games played by the national team between 1941 and 1957, with noticeable gaps during the Peronist years. Many of the international matches took place between Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, which, considering their…
Interesting article because it offers praise for an Argentinean team (Racing) and its ordered style Here, the Brazilians play an aesthetically pleasing style of soccer but are no match for an academic and brillinat Racing team that is ordered and…
Article highlights the effects of the World Cup on the national soccer tournament and the haphazard decision-making at the AFA
Questions how soccer officials failed to see the scheduling problem, at the cost of club revenues, between the national tournament and the World Cup
Panzeri lauds the qualities of Argentina's captain, Nestor Rossi, while lamenting the dearth of quality players to support him More troubling is that the players selected for the national team all possess disparate qualities that do not mesh well,…
After a series of unconvincing performances against Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequent criticism from fans and journalists (and AFA officials), this match turned ugly with 5 players expelled for violent incidents at the stadium in Huracan
A dour article where the author finds little hope that beneficial changes can take place in Argentinean soccer Instead, he focuses on the multiple problems that exist and offers a few suggestions moving forward, Of note: adopting European methods and…
Criticizes the investigations and disciplinary measures by an AFA that is ineffectual and ignores the real problems with Argentinean soccer
Criticizes the professionalism of Argentinean players, and the calls for a restructuring of AFA [sidebar mentions that Nestor Rossi missed 39 games over 3 and half years at River due to suspensions-bad behavior]
Another article dismissive of the calls for a European approach, citing the lack of perfecting the qualities of the Argentine style (which also include tactics, systems, and "cerrojos")
Looks at the difference between "hinchas" and spectators, and how the public encourages bad behavior
In a letter to critical "hinchas", the author wonders if it is beneficial for fans to launch insults to players as they prepare for the World Cup
Condemns the actions of "hinchas" that overshadowed the soccer game and cost the life of a young fan Panzeri blames the animalistic fans, who threw projectiles at the River goalie throughout the match In turn, the River fans retaliated and police…
Commentary on lessons not yet learned from Sweden 1958 and the Linker death Panzeri laments the actions of club officials (with particular ire directed at Boca's President) who act less like administrators and more like "hinchas"
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