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Comment blasts the conditions Argentine soccer continues to find itself in when hinchas are mercilessly attacking each other
Most striking is Boca's abandonment of attacking soccer (under DiStefano who left at the end of 1969) for 'machismo'
Boca Juniors in 1969 was the antithesis of Estudiantes Both teams succeeded but Boca Juniors did so by playing an attacking style of soccer Is this a change and return back to criollismo?
The author asks what happens to soccer when 8 players are expelled for excessive violence and retribution? Soccer loses
The decision by Suarez were not very polemic but strong and forceful He talks about the national team and how to move forward
Lorenzo employed a "cerrojo" style on Boca Juniors, citing the youth and inexperience of his new team, and earned plaudits for seemingly turning around San Lorenzo's season Much of his approach is derived from his previous years in Italy [Puskas…
In this match, the presence of police and gas canisters adds to the ugly scenes witnessed on the soccer field for three consecutive matches between Boca and Independiente
This version tries to give reason to what the author feels has no rationale
A climate of war and vendettas has gripped the rivalry between Boca Juniors and Independiente
Can be an insightful article because the writer includes the perspective of the Boca fan, who values tough men willing to get dirty and show their machismo on the field, and juxtaposes it with the writer's own preference for a player that remembers…
3 players expelled, police intervention: another ugly match in Argentine soccer
Incident of violence: player hits his own coach Crowd cheers player, throws projectiles at coach [Sanflippo is fired from Boca Juniors days later]
A noticeable shift has taken place in El Grafico's coverage: less commentary on how Argentine teams play, more emphasis on results ("su temple, su voluntad, su entereza moral…esfuerzo")
Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.
Interesting to see what metric the magazine uses to determine their conclusion that 27% of Argentine soccer is offense-first
playing scared is manifested through overly defensive styles and tactics.
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