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Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.
Cover image and title, 'Horro', describes the events of Puerta 12
Press coverage here is focused much more on the victims than officials, although it lists some response from River Plate about stadium security
AFA, perhaps sensing that public blame is shifting to the lack of responsibility by clubs for stadium safety, provides financial support for victims through funds collected at various matches.
Images and reporting provide a look into the tragedy of Puerta 12
President Onganía visits clinics and neighborhoods are in mourning.
Most of the solutions provided deal with fans, and how stadium and club officials have been negligent of protecting them
An account squarely focused on the victims of "Puerta 12", as well as measures taken by all involved to prevent future tragedies and tend to the present-day victims.
The city government of Buenos Aires enacts serious safety measures that fútbol clubs and AFA (under federal intervention) cannot meet, thus deemed deficient. These measures were put in place in the wake of the tragedy of "Puerta 12".
A mix of sadness and confusion, El Grafico tries to grapple with the tragedy of Puerta 12
When River plays in small stadiums, the fandom that follows River Plate defies stadium security and capacity measures.
President Onganía visits police stations and police-run clinics to visit those injured. This is interesting because it reaffirms the President's military background, but also demonstrates his lack of empathy with average citizens (no visits to…
Team official tries to set the record straight on Puerta 12
Press coverage shifts from the events of "Puerta 12" to the stories of those affected, including fútbol clubs, families of victims, the deceased, and local communities.
Readers' perspectives about the tragedy and the commentary from Primera Plana.
Letter from River President Julian Kent absolving the club from any negligence on stadium security
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