Browse Items (254 total)
According to the newspaper, many more fouls took place in the West Germany-Russia game, almost one per minute. The point is that other teams are more violent than Argentina. Meanwhile, plans are taking place to honor the national team upon its…
Foreign reactions were commonly reprinted in Argentine newspapers. Here, a Swiss paper describes Argentinian players as the best in the world but, if they had only a minimum of discipline and dignity, they would be champions of the world. Instead,…
Big reception by people at the airport. The article characterizes Montevideo and Buenos Aires as united in spirit upon receiving their players as heroes. The mass reception for the national team warranted extensive coverage, but the attention paid to…
“Has 'fair play' died?” Although Lord Lovat, in his letter to The Times, rehabilitated British sensibility, the behavior of its athletes and anti–sporting behavior makes La Nación wonder if the virtues of an admirable race were lost? The paper asks:…
Argentine players felt that they were playing against "strongmen" and had to match them. The article claims that the Argentine footballer was actually closer to the European player, and would be even closer if only more strength could be added to the…
“Honrosa Derrota” [is this a tongue-in-cheek title?], but Argentine players were out of shape and “impotent” compared to Celtic players. The film from the game showed that this idea that the Argentines could control the ball better, and had more…
In this article, “Se Impone La Necesidad de Cambiar Metodos”, Lucero believes there may be some fixes to what Rácing can do before the next match, but Celtic was clearly in better physical shape, quicker, and mentally sharper. Russian players train…
Despite the attack on Ronnie Simpson, the match went fairly well with exceptional officiating from the Uruguayan official. The attack on the Celtic goalkeeper before the match, however, was an embarrassment for the nation, but fans could not be held…
This is an account of how a Rácing supporter incapacitated Celtic goalkeeper Ronnie Simpson with a projectile (glass bottle)–an embarassment for Argentineans.
This report mostly focuses on the Celtic reaction to the injury to Ronnie Simpson, not so much on the physical aspects of the match. For their part, Argentine journalists immediately shift to the third game, while Foreign press accounts, such as “A…
Diego Lucero sets high expectations for the final match, in what could be a first international world trophy for Argentina. According to the author, the games bewteen Rácing and Celtic began as a battle that was hard-fought, and also a bit…
Piernes, who had been critical of Rácing during the first two matches, does an about-face and praises the team for becoming the first Argentine world champion club in fútbol. He cautions that this game must be analyzed slower before more praise is…
Clarín reprints foreign press accounts on the matches between Celtic and Rácing. In Scotland, the press became indignant about the behavior of Rácing players: a “bunch of ruffians”, “Celtic try to protect itself against the brutal tactics of the team…
In his report from Glasgow, Bello cites the ability of Argentine players to perform well in Europe as once again being on display.
Criticism of foul play emanates from the European press. Scottish outles are still unsure about the quality of the Argentine player and observe that Celtic will have to put the best offense to withstand attacks they will receive in Argentina. These…
Racing champions, “los vencedores.” A populist summary of the match played in Montevideo that basks in Argentina's first title on the world soccer stage.
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