Browse Items (60 total)
Wary of new over-confidence, Goles echoes the sentiment of coaches and players that much work lies ahead after Argentina's continental triumph.
The salary dispute between Mogilevsky and AFA shows that in the modern game even physical trainers become quasi-celebrity figures in the world of fútbol.
The value of this article lies in its retrospective look back at the 1958 World Cup, one year later.
The move to professionalism, 25 years ago, changed national soccer The writers analyze the state of soccer on this 25th anniversary
Based on the observations of Roberto Sbarra, this article examines the different approaches to soccer between Argentina and Europe Soccer practiced in Spain and Italy is more professional and overall complete
After losing to Germany 3-1, Argentina beat Northern Ireland 3-1 and then lost to Czechoslovakia 6-1 Author blames the lack of professional seriousness by Argentine players in comparison to Europeans Argentine players enjoy soccer, but do not live…
Lack of seriousness, training, and discipline marred the performance of Argentina in comparison to European (and even Brazilian) players
A collection of past comments by the paper's writers on what ails Argentine soccer, In some ways, this collection is an "I told you so" that demonstrates the wisdom of sports journalists But it can also be seen as a way for the paper/ magazine to…
A dour article where the author finds little hope that beneficial changes can take place in Argentinean soccer Instead, he focuses on the multiple problems that exist and offers a few suggestions moving forward, Of note: adopting European methods and…
Criticizes the investigations and disciplinary measures by an AFA that is ineffectual and ignores the real problems with Argentinean soccer
Criticizes the professionalism of Argentinean players, and the calls for a restructuring of AFA [sidebar mentions that Nestor Rossi missed 39 games over 3 and half years at River due to suspensions-bad behavior]
In llight of lessons learned at the 1958 World Cup, this article places a special emphasis on connecting the hard-working training regimen at Racing and the club's success It also characterizes the typical "professional" normally seen in Argentina,…
Younger players, more discipline, stricter training regime…all point to a promising new start with the national team
Journalist explains how tradition and modernity can go hand-in-hand: the Argentine player is naturally born into a "school" of soccer born in Argentina, but now employs a modern approach to training based on professionalism, researching opponents and…
By breaking down the specific aspects of modern soccer, Panzeri comes to the conclusion that the Argentine player should not forget how to play "lo nuestro" but will have to come to grips with the reality of the modern game: no fixed position,…
A nice overview of the why, where, and how soccer schools will introduce a national plan of action Implicit in this overview is that club-level schools will need to fall in place with any national initiatives
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