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Useful for understanding how clubs went into debt or continued to profit.
Useful for understanding how clubs went into debt or continued to profit.
More financial records
This table records the data for club membership at Boca Juniors between October 1969 and September 1969 - a period of relatively small decline with a decrease of almost 5,000 socios (10%).
This table records the data for club membership at Boca Juniors between October 1966 and September 1967 - a period of small growth with an additional 4,000 socios.
This table records the data for club membership at Boca Juniors between October 1965 and September 1966 - a period of stability with only a net loss of over 100 socios.
These pages show club membership figures, earnings from club dues (broken down by age, gender, and location), and expenditures for cultural activities at CABJ.
Helpful data in comparison to other years, as well as in relation to other major clubs.
One article tries to summarize why a fan struck the referee with an orange in the left eye, while the other article blasts fans who should be exiled to uncivilized places of the world.
Brief history of Boca Juniors
More than a victory, the referee cost River the championship…to Boca! The magazine holds no punches on who is to blame for what is a 'vergüenza' and 'escándolo'. It also maintains that a linesman had an 'interest' in deciding the match for Boca.…
In an era where small teams, with small budgets, can suddenly become champions, the article portrays the situation as a mess for Argentine fútbol…and a legacy of Valentín Suárez.
This page details adjustments that Boca Juniors made during the last year of Peronist rule in 1955, and more importantly the club's 50th anniversary.
This page details adjustments that Boca Juniors made during the military coup of 1955 and 1956.
This brief synopsis of facility construction helps showcase how these clubs were much more than a pure soccer entity.
Unsure if this is a poem or song, but Boca Juniors is intimately tied to the Italian immigrants that shaped La Boca.
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