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[note: the title does not mesh with the article excerpt] Disillusionment begins to surface between workers who viewed Frondizi as more acceptable to their needs than the provisional military government, and a Frondizi administration that tried to…
Ahead of a planned demonstration on May 1, workers continued to apply pressure that causes and is met with violence
The author (who was expelled under the military because of ties to Peronism and outspoken nature about human rights) cites two main (and historic) problems with the university system: the call for autonomy and the fradulent restructuring that…
The exodus of players at the beginning of the decade, coupled with the abandonment of clubs that historically fed excellent players to the major clubs, has resulted in a situation where the AFA doesn't seem to have answers and continously draws on…
At a crossroads, the author boils down the debate over how university systems should be structured into 2 camps: liberals and nationalists/populists; the former favor an open education and the latter favor a continued curriculum dictated by a small…
The state-directed university system under Peron has given way to an equally elitist view of education where international intellectuals dictate curriculum, rather than listen to the needs of the people and offer courses more in line with national…
By citing the poor performance of the national team at the 1958 World Cup as a key moment in Argentine sports history, the magazine gives credence to this year as a turning point for national soccer
Jauretche, an influential journalist, sees popular support for Arturo Frondizi as a marker that the Argentine people are rewriting their history and finally embracing civility over militarism; however, Frondizi's rise may only mark the melding of…
Writer is clearly exasperated that fans continue to throw projectiles and hurt players, that the police does little to deter such actions, and that other fans do not take some form of action into their own hands Soccer, it seems, is under attack
Panzeri uses the easing of sanctions on River Plate as a moment to chastise club officials and politicians Acknowledging that politics has no business in soccer, he nonetheless feels that soccer is synonymous with citizenry and that journalists can…
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