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Good article for looking at the cultural influence of soccer and issues of masculinity. [A later article labels long hair and sideburns as a 'hygenic' issue that needs to be stamped out of the national team, see Feb 3 1970 pages 44-45].
The article favors a more positive, attacking-style of soccer that makes best use of Argentine talent and less dependent on tactics and physicality to earn results. Chacarita, Huracan, and Racing are recent example of this successful approach. Above…
This article is a continuation of an article from 7-22, stating that Argentine soccer lost its way and needs to return to the traits that made it successful.
Insightful piece on how the violent style of play is perhaps not what fans want and that teams like DiStefano's Boca can play attractive soccer and win.
Useful article to understand gender divisions in soccer
Argentine greatness is established by comparing the capacity of stadiums in Buenos Aires to US baseball stadiums (although both stadiums serve different purposes and game schedules--comparing to football stadiums would have been better).
River Plate (with DiStéfano) visit with Eva after playing in Italy. River, and other teams playing in international competition, represented the nation.
The author wonders if the passion and melodrama of annointing your favorite player as the next "crack" is actually good for players and the sport
Less than a nostlagic look at the past as commonly seen in El Gráfico, this article looks at how the sport has evolved and become more professional. The point of the article is to provide solutions needed for the national team to perform well at the…
Has complaining become a part of the identity of the Argentine fútbol player?
Worth noting that the commentary describes the 1957 team at the Copa Sudamericana as the last criollo team--a good observation.
This little article is really helpful. It is full of Argentine colloquialisms for soccer ("el anile"). The purpose here is to assess whether the old way of playing, the gambeta, can win at the 1966 World Cup. The answer is no.
Fans seem to not be sure of what they want and are fickle. Do they want fútbol criollo? Long balls? Win, or play beatifully? Good article for identity.
Very helpful in understanding what Argentines mean by "jugando a lo guapo"
The language and discussion of tactics/playing style makes this a helpful article. Heavy on modern playing styles and approaches to soccer.
"Romanticismo en época de crudo materialismo" sums up the analysis of Argentine fútbol in 1965: low on goals, high on defensive tactics that prevent teams from scoring.
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