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Titles of articles include: "En todo terreno se evidenció el alma de nuestros muchachos," "Valentía y típico estilo criollo triunfaron en el primer cotejo." The matches in Buenos Aires were highly publicized. Perón attended the first match and…
Claiming that Argentina soccer, without a doubt, is the best in the world seems natural for sports writers attuned to regional rivalries with Brazil and Uruguay.
Good commentary on soccer and national identity. It contrasts criollo attributes of 'gambeta' with sharp elbows and dirty plays.
The magazine highlights how even Italian journalists familar with Argentine soccer do not feel that Estudiantes represented Argentina as a whole.
The cartoon summarizes the article
The commentary accuses Uruguayans of perfecting rough play and cheating
A different type of player, Gatti was outspoken, fashionable, and seen by some as a hippie. This interview reveals a lot about his character.
Multiple documents that outline the focus of the youth sports tournaments for the Peronist state.
Multiple documents that outline the focus of the youth sports tournaments for the Peronist state.
Multiple documents that outline the focus of the youth sports tournaments for the Peronist state.
Multiple documents that outline the focus of the youth sports tournaments for the Peronist state.
Argentina will not call players to the national team who play abroad. This articles is helpful for ideas of national identity, the ´pull´of clubs, and the sense of overconfidence in World Cup preparation.
Piernes offers readers both insight into Rácing's performance in Scotland and an observation that the Argentines did not play at the level or style they were known for.
“Honrosa Derrota” [is this a tongue-in-cheek title?], but Argentine players were out of shape and “impotent” compared to Celtic players. The film from the game showed that this idea that the Argentines could control the ball better, and had more…
Despite the attack on Ronnie Simpson, the match went fairly well with exceptional officiating from the Uruguayan official. The attack on the Celtic goalkeeper before the match, however, was an embarrassment for the nation, but fans could not be held…
Piernes, who had been critical of Rácing during the first two matches, does an about-face and praises the team for becoming the first Argentine world champion club in fútbol. He cautions that this game must be analyzed slower before more praise is…
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