Browse Items (127 total)
A physical, often brutal series of matches between Racing and Estudiantes comes to an end. Both sides admit that Estudiantes won because it was the more physical side. This match signals the brief spell of Racing's successful attack-oriented style…
The coach who most influenced the modern style, the catenaccio, is dismissed from Inter Milan after eight years. The end of Herrera's stint in Italy was one of the first signs that his ultra-defensive style had run its course. In Argentina, the apex…
A player's perspective on "anti-fútbol"
A star player for San Lorenzo, Fischer was outspoken and an offensive-minded player. This interview provides insight into how creative players coped with an ultra-defensive league. Also worth noting the use of the term "ejecutivo", denoting a level…
The author describes the 71 deas, and hundreds injured, as "martyrs" in the service of a public spectacle, suggesting that no serious reform will come of this tragedy. As one sugestion, he offers more television coverage as a possible solution of…
A useful piece from a non-sports magazine in examining a successful model outside of the ultra-defensive style en vogue.
A well-written article on how Boca could score so few goals in 1968 and yet still stand in second place. It also addresses how more punches than goals are "scored" in a typical match--epitomized by Estudiantes.
Readers' perspectives about the tragedy and the commentary from Primera Plana.
The article is not clear whether coaches do not want the job as head of the national team, or if AFA is careless in its selection, but it provides a devastating assessment of why José María Minella (who successfully led the team at the 1964 Cup of…
Two payers, known for their long hair and sideburns (and thick moustache), are the new stars of Argentine fútbol. One, Carlos Rodríguez, is also the new "hard man" in the league and prone to lengthy suspensions for his physical play.
The article is less useful than some basic data about attendance and gate receipts (but not addressing inflation).
In a poor, losing match against Brazil, the national team's performance reflected some of the worst prctices by AFA (hastily arranged matches, inability of securing more than one or two players from a club).
Three of the greatest players in the recent memory when this interview was conducted, this is an engaging piece on attacking soccer and the current state of the sport. These men represented the antithesis of the current trends in soccer and succeeded…
The title suggests a concern that Argentine players are providing a bad example of violent play to the outside world, poor embassadors for the sport.
In the preview to their anticipated matches against Manchester United, these articles aim to provide readers with a better understanding of Estudiantes and their approach to playing soccer.
Alfredo Gierken writes that the club bias by the editors of the magazine affected the article "Los malos embajadores" from September 3, thus characterizing San Lorenzo in a negative light while absolving teams like Boca Juniors that are favored by…
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