Browse Items (122 total)
Image of players and team staff in Italy for the 1934 FIFA World Cup. Argentina would lose its only match, a round of 16 game against Sweden. [Image first appeared online at l'Ultimo Uomo (June 5, 2014) in a post entitled "Chacareros"]
Sivori, Angelillo and other with coach Stabile
Great photo for the expressions on the faces of players and AFA President Colombo
Image of national team (or Boca Juniors) before a match in 1959
The article notes that European teams are preparing well in advance for the World Cup while Argentina continues a haphazard approach beholden to the whims of clubs and ultimately will take different players from the 'tune-up' matches played…
A noticeable shift in direction of the national team occurs following the events of 1969 (World Cup failure and Estudiantes). Pizzuti, former coach of Racing, embodies an attacking style of soccer that makjes use of the long ball, or as it is known…
Insightful piece on how the violent style of play is perhaps not what fans want and that teams like DiStefano's Boca can play attractive soccer and win.
This article is a continuation of an article from 7-22, stating that Argentine soccer lost its way and needs to return to the traits that made it successful.
The article favors a more positive, attacking-style of soccer that makes best use of Argentine talent and less dependent on tactics and physicality to earn results. Chacarita, Huracan, and Racing are recent example of this successful approach. Above…
In this collection of interviews notable players and coaches provide their opinions as to why the national team is in a terrible state and may not qualify for Mexico 1970
Zubeldia is hired as new national team coach for the 1966 World Cup, despite a laundry list of conditions
Of note is the lengthy response by who will be the national team coach in 1966: Lorenzo
Although El Grafico made it abundantly clear that it did not approve of Minella as head coach of the national team, it provides him space to clear up misconceptions and explain his coaching decisions Of note, he talks about implementing a "cerrojo",…
D'Amico the new national team coach? AFA hasn't contacted him for months The national team? No plans in sight This article looks at the lack of planning and organization with the national team
Interesting article to see how AFA and national team coaches do not embrace or accept Estudiantes, despite its success
El Grafico interviews the new national team coach, whose training in Europe and playing experience in Argentina played a role in his hiring The idea is to mold the national team into the best of the two approaches to soccer In this interview, he…
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