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Lazzatti offers solutions ot the four problems affecting national soccer: order, understanding, respect, and knowledge
Back to square-one That is the conclusion of this article with the re-hire of Stabile and the "Comisión de Selección" This meant the process of selecting whomever the AFA could secure from clubs and then forming a team and approach--instead of…
Guillermo Stabile returns to coach the national team, the third coach in one year He can only count on players sceded by the clubs, which shows the lack of authority and organization by the AFA
Just a glimpse into how AFA chiefs are selected and deposed by powerful club presidents
The problem of improvisation in Argentine fútbol became the underlying reasons for all the "crises" in the sport (stadium insecurity, player transfers, low scoring, and above all the lack of global success).
This doctor believes that players on the national team lack rest, contrary to what most believed at the time.
Mogilevsky clears up why he resigned, what went on with Colombo and AFA officials, and the contradictory statements made about player selections
The magazine calls for the retirement of Stábile, an end to the defensive "sangre, corazón, y garra" approach, and the hiring of coaches who can implement some system that works
Article looks at the state of affairs of the national team after Sweden 1958, and concludes that any positives and negatives have been a result of a common approach to changes: acting like it's an emergency This is not a way to move the team forward
Questions how soccer officials failed to see the scheduling problem, at the cost of club revenues, between the national tournament and the World Cup
Article highlights the effects of the World Cup on the national soccer tournament and the haphazard decision-making at the AFA
A useful overview of some of the problems in Argentinean soccer Panzeri characterizers "reformers" as people who always look towards Europe for answers He also believes that fundamental changes will not occur because professional soccer was born with…
By focusing on athleticism and training, no criticism is leveld at the style of polay of the Argentine player. 'Simply work harder' is the common lesson learned from 1958.
Not only does this reveal the reach of a club beyond practicing soccer, it also demonstrates how much the Peronist state influenced the development of sports and sponsored them
River Plate, like many larger clubs, came under scrutiny after the fall of Perón. Here, River shows that all their records and club matters are in order and ask for a return to normalcy in AFA.
The magazine concludes that the performance of the national team at the Copa Sudamericana in Ecuador (losing to Uruguay 1-5 and defeating Brazil 4-1) demonstrates that the national team has no direction Instead officials (many of whom know little of…
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