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Argentine press routinely offered foreign accounts, even in 1944
The magazine disagress with the opinion of Estudiantes executives, instead asking Argentines to show that they were offended. The 'student-teacher' relationship should not be continued.
Focusing on the trivial and humorous aspects of the World Cup, Primera Plana examines the English perspective of foreigners visiting the country, local reactions to the Argentines, and even the portrayal of dirty play on stamps issued in England.
The subtitle reads "Cómo se imaginan en Escocia que se desarollan los partidos de Motherwell en nuestro país"
After saluting the "martyrs"-the Argentine hinchas-the article criticizes the Uruguyans for being poor sports in everything
"Savages", "fair play", "civility"…all come to question with the treatment El Grafico's writers claim to have received in Manchester Estudiantes are also held up as models of civility Propaganda
According to the newspaper, many more fouls took place in the West Germany-Russia game, almost one per minute. The point is that other teams are more violent than Argentina. Meanwhile, plans are taking place to honor the national team upon its…
Players typically graced the covers of Racing, with high trust placed upon them to deliver victories. Here, José García Pérez is a true "crack," the "Pibe Sangre" who is emerging out of a rough patch to resume his starting role with the club team.
Good commentary on soccer and national identity. It contrasts criollo attributes of 'gambeta' with sharp elbows and dirty plays.
Criticism of foul play emanates from the European press. Scottish outles are still unsure about the quality of the Argentine player and observe that Celtic will have to put the best offense to withstand attacks they will receive in Argentina. These…
Using an old cartoon where John Bull is devouring Argentine steak and leaving little for "Juan Pueblo," Caras y Caretas revises the cartoon to show that the Argentine worker-a hero of the Peronist movement-enjoys his own fruits while John Bull is…
The article cites a smart move by Frondizi: he sensed that the public had felt betrayed by the provisional government's failure of restoring democracy in Argentina, with its continuation of repressive measures, and thus Frondizi used silence as a way…
Citing Pedro Dellacha as a good model of sportsmanship and professionalism, the commentator derides the increasing player violence in Argentine fútbol.
Nice article that summarizes the different approaches to playing soccer in Argentina (based on Racing, Estudiantes, and Boca's style)
Amid growing social tensions due to inflation, the magazine sees a moment for national unity, not discord.

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Argentine hospitality, British hypocrisy. The magazine absolves the dirty play and tactics of Esudiantes by citing a similar style of play by the English. It also showed Argentine hospitality was rebuffed by accustaions of its players as 'salvajes',…
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