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These records make a point to emphasize the costs related to the Ciudad Deportiva project (under control!) and the fact they do not limit the normal atheltic and cultural functions of the club.
Covering the period October 1, 1968 to September 30, 1969, these records details financial transactions of CABJ, the income generated by the professional fútbol team, and expenses including many services to its members (such as the club library).
Provides a positive look at Argentine soccer through the lens of its official governing body: AFA. This brochure was a part of Argentina's effort to host the 1962 World Cup (which eventually went to Chile). Because Perón is portrayed extensively in…
Armando was known as a temperamental figure, often dismissive of rules and regulations if they countered his own initiatives. Here, AFA levies a punishment on Armando.
A noticeable shift has taken place in El Grafico's coverage: less commentary on how Argentine teams play, more emphasis on results ("su temple, su voluntad, su entereza moral…esfuerzo")
An important document--details and transcript of the legislation brought forth by Reinaldo Elena (and others) to cede public lands to Boca Juniors for the club's plan to construct the Ciudad Deportiva.
The motion that passes through the legislature is to exempt clubs undergoing major projects from taxes on land.
An exemption on land tax is critical to helping Boca Juniors, and other clubs developing major projects, to fulfill these services to citizens (paying club members)
This request, from Senator Arturo Mor Roig, requests that Boca Juniors and other clubs that endeavor on major construction projects, avoid taxes during their building phase.
The request to absolve Boca Juniors from paying taxes on lands where they are constructing their Ciudad Deportiva is pushed to a vote, and approved.
Senators José Castiglione, among others, introduces into the Senate the legislation brought forth in the lower chamber to cede public lands to Boca Juniors for their "Ciudad Deportiva" project. The measure passes and goes onto the executive branch…
Puro Fútbol and architect Carlos A. Costa examine the ongoing delays in the construction of the Ciudad Deportiva
Puro Fútbol and architect Carlos A. Costa examine the ongoing delays in the construction of the Ciudad Deportiva
Puro Fútbol and architect Carlos A. Costa examine the ongoing delays in the construction of the Ciudad Deportiva
The main thrust of Aloé's argument is that the professionalization of fútbol, which placed emphasis on finances and winning, stripped the sport of what made it special: communal associations, love for the sport, amateurism.
This transfer, like Sívori's, is typical of the rags-to-riches story common in Argentine soccer By focusing on his family (with mate gourd in hand) and Italian roots, Angelillo is another lucky kid who made it big His transfer is also typical of a…
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