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Although this article offers praise for Pelé's talent, and his humility, it nonetheless portrays him as an "other" surrounded by adoring white fans and labeled as the "black angel."
Similar to how other sports magazines covered women's soccer, Goles provides a mix of criticism and bemusement to make the case that women should not play fútbol.
A look into how Mogilevsky helped reshape Argentine fútbol in 1959 (and why his novel ideas were hardly continued by successors). This piece is timely as Argentina faced its biggest challenge (qualifying for the 1974 World Cup) after another…
Basic information on a B team: how much did they raise and spend for soccer. Notice how both numbers change dramatically due to inflation and rising ticket prices.
Fan violence the same week as the La Plata tragedy, as projectiles rain down upon referees. They could not leave the stadium for 3 hours fearing their own safety.
The main article chastises club and city officials for not taking stadium security seriously until a tragedy occurs. Another article looks at the effect of new stadium investigations on Ferro Oeste.
These four teams are cited as having insufficiently safe stadiums to hold the number of spectators they receive on a regular basis. AFA is working with stat officials to improve stadium conditions.
Citing they inability to police mass amounts of fans, and growing incidents that take place at stadiums, clubs are petitioning for more police presence. They also cite that the lower division teams are in a worse situation.
The article warns that a new type of young male goes to the stadiums only to incite violence or commit crimes, not watch the game
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