Browse Items (110 total)
Dinner for English football officials
Just a glimpse into how AFA chiefs are selected and deposed by powerful club presidents
FREJULI candidate Hector Campora climbs a fence at Atlanta's stadium, acting like an hincha
Propaganda image that ties Peron to soccer, he is surrounded by loyalist government officials
Image of Peron in presidential garb
Image of Eva, most likely official portrait
Radicals split into two factions ahead of the 1958 elections: Pueblo and Intransigentes. Arturo Frondizi and Ricardo Balbín head the two factions (respectively).
By dedicating their trophies to Juan Perón, Eva Perón, and Ramón Cereijo, Rácing honors their commitment to sports. This is a ceremonial gesture and shows how much Racing club officials benefited from close ties to the government.
Ernesto Sábato bemoans the lack of progress in his country, which he sees as a nation with abundant resources of intellectuals, students, universities, scientists, and other groups critical for modernity.
Racing is pursuing Juan Manuel Moreno, a star player from River Plate who left to play in Mexico for more money. Clubs affected by their players leaving, without being compensated through transfer fees, feel less inclined to provide amnesty to these…
Helpful piece to see how different sectors feel about a coup in 1966
Liking the atmosphere of hostility and near-violence to a Vietnam War protest, the magazine is embarassed at the climate of anger at a River club meeting.
In 1946, after Perón rises to power, Racing appeals to the Minister for Housing, Ramón Cereijo, for a federal subsidy to build a new, massive stadium. The plans are presented in this article. The timing also suggests that Racing benefited from the…
The magazine does not make it clear that a rupture of relations should only involve River's administration; nonetheless, the article portrays Racing as the jilted bride whose wooing made it possible for one of Argentina's greatest players to return…
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