Browse Items (42 total)
Injuries, hard fouls, an out-of-control game, and a loss is all blamed on the "Edgar Poe" horrors produced by bad officiating. Another in a line of articles that riles fans againt match officials. The image of a Racing player who was expelled by the…
The primary school soccer tournament continues and players try to unionize (a recurring issue that leads to the players strike of 1948)
Pointing to their shared roots in La Boca neighborhood, La Nación characterizes the match between River Plate and Boca Juniors as a great rivlary match (but not as the defining match of Argentine fútbol as of yet). The second match of the day,…
Image of Huracán and national team player Guillermo Stábile on the cover of El Gráfico, August 2, 1930 (Issue No. 577). Stábile was the top scorer at the 1930 World Cup and the longest tenured manager of the national team. He rose to fame at Huracán,…
After a Lanús player harshly fouls Rácing player Villalba, he returns the favor by kicking his aggressor and is promptly expelled. As Villalba leaves the field, Lanús players attack him and a trainer that accompanied him to the locker room.
AFA temporarily raised ticket prices to help raise funds for other sports associations (chess, track & field, basketball, bowling, handball, table tennis, and workers' sports orhanizations). In addition, three sports associations received donations…
The club is fed up with River's president Antonio Liberti and his stubborn refusal to let Moreno sign for Racing. Fan magazines like this one regularly agitated fans with perceived injustices ("the world is against us" mentality). It is easy to see…
Although Racing feels disadvantaged by AFA politics when it comes to providing amnesty for players, it takes pride in how few players from Racing left for Mexico.
Players typically graced the covers of Racing, with high trust placed upon them to deliver victories. Here, José García Pérez is a true "crack," the "Pibe Sangre" who is emerging out of a rough patch to resume his starting role with the club team.
Swimmers formed the large majority of female athletes on the covers of El Gráfico, but other sports were also included, such as track and field, tennis, or fencing. About half a dozen covers of El Grafico per year had female athletes.

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More focus on female athletics
In light of the Moreno saga, the match between River and Rácing generated great expectations. These cartoons reflected the public enthusiasm for the match.
No reason is provided as to why the Poder Ejecutivo Nacional intervened with Huracán
This chart illuminates the popularity of the sport across the country. 523 clubs in Buenos Aires, 154 soccer leagues across the country.
Describing the incidents as "an unprecedented scandal" ("un escándolo como no se recuerda otro en una cancha de Rosario"), the writer explains how no rational exists to justify what took place in Rosario, specifically the number of women and children…
Local fans ('adictos') in Rosario storm the south end of the field and tear down wire fences to attack the match referee for what they deemed as suspicious calls in favor of San Lorenzo. Police threatened to use tear gas, which only increased the ire…
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