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Rattín symbolized the decade of "scientific", "modern" fútbol as the epitome of a cuadillo. This article is one example of the discussions swirling around Argentine fútbol
Hoping for a better season in 1966, the article expresses a desire for Argentine fútbol to move past "bochornosos espectáculos donde abundarán las agresiones, el juego brusco, la indisciplina y la incultura."
The referee situation has improved in Argentina, with little analysis provided as to why. Coaches in Italy, including Helenio Herrera and Juan Carlos Lorenzo, have become larger celebrities (and figures) than their players. (Note: Primera Plana…
Colombo is up for re-election as President of AFA, but faces an uphill climb in the post-Frondizi era
By playing against a two-time world club champion, and a team that featured Pelé, the article uses Brazilian side Santos as a measuring stick for Argentine teams.
Insight into the current state of the national team via interviews with some of the nation's most important coaches.
The article covers the arrival of the national team at Ezeiza airport, as well as foreign reaction to Argentina's matches in France and Brazil.
San Lorenzo pins its hopes on Lorenzo to turn around its fortunes. An example of the era of "celebrity coaches"
One of the growing number of profiles on coaches in an age where they garnered a lot of attention.
The article is not only a summary of the match won by Boca Juniors over River Plate, but it is also critical of sports journalists from radio and periodicals.
Pedro Dellacha, the old caudillo of the 1950s, says "El que detesta lo moderno es porque no está en la onda." This commentary reflects the resignation and eventual acceptance of older generations of players to the practical, win-at-all costs,…
Article examines how fútbol officials risked a lot of money in trying to arrange matches with foreign teams.
A view of Independiente's matches in Argentina and Italy for the world title.
This is a complex article, a bit unfocused, on the fate of coaches resting on more than success: the professionalism of their players and the constant discussion of finances.
As the brother to the Vice-President, Perette is another in a long line of AFA Presidents that were intimately tied to the head of state (such as Ramón Castillo in the early 1940s, Oscar Nicolini under Perón, and Frondizi's childhood friend Raúl…
Some coaches persist in their positions despite a lack of success, others are fired at the first sign of failure. The author assumed that smaller clubs possess less tolerance for failure.
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