Browse Items (44 total)
Despite being left out of the main coverage of the inaugural match between Argentina and Chile in the 1959 Copa Sudamericana, this article highlights the embarassing invasion and physicality of "hinchas" at the games on the first two days of the Cup…
Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.
Writer is clearly exasperated that fans continue to throw projectiles and hurt players, that the police does little to deter such actions, and that other fans do not take some form of action into their own hands Soccer, it seems, is under attack
A magazine for fans will obviously try to absolve (or at least find a scapegoat) for the irrational actions of fans. Is this the more noticeable rise of the 'barras brava', described here as 'un pequeño sector de inadaptados'?
Critiques the behavior and actions of both "hinchas" and the police The former is increasingly prone to throwing objects at players and referees, while the latter acts slowly to unruly fans (and then simply threatens to gas fans)
More idolatry towards the fans of the club
Commentary on lessons not yet learned from Sweden 1958 and the Linker death Panzeri laments the actions of club officials (with particular ire directed at Boca's President) who act less like administrators and more like "hinchas"
Article blames club officials for placing their interests on monetary policies over stadium security and the protection of fans. The author seems to absolve fans from unruly behavior and wonders if anything will come of AFA meausres.
The article criticizes fans for demanding victories and turning violent when matches do not go in their favor.
This piece by Ribas is part of an ongoing feature in La Cancha entitled "La opiniones de Justiniano Calles". In this piece, and the accompanying cartoon, the author asks how peaceful fans can become violent?
British referees make their debut at the start of the 1948 first division season. The Buenos Aires Herald notes that the foreign officials "controlled all the games, and each one did a definitely good job of work."
The commentator is worried that Argentina is ill-equipped to host a World Cup when scenes of mayhem and referee intimidation are a constant in the national pastime.
The article warns that a new type of young male goes to the stadiums only to incite violence or commit crimes, not watch the game
In a letter to critical "hinchas", the author wonders if it is beneficial for fans to launch insults to players as they prepare for the World Cup
Hinchas love their players…too much
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