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Because El Gráfico was busy heaping praise on itself the previous week, this delayed summary of La Plata's stadium disaster, focusing on the safety and well being of people who attend these matches.
A look at stadium safety
Article blames club officials for placing their interests on monetary policies over stadium security and the protection of fans. The author seems to absolve fans from unruly behavior and wonders if anything will come of AFA meausres.
Low attendance, poor management, lack of involvement by AFA, all lead to a decline in the quality of soccer in Argentina.
Mario Linker (although not mentioned by name here) died at a soccer match due to excessive force by the police. AFA moves to honor the victim, tend to his family, and assess the causes of his death--including excessive force (although the police, nor…
Perhaps as a way to quell public concerns over safety at soccer stadiums, AFA decrees various measures to protect fans, players, and officials: banning the entry of bottles, controlling the sale of tickets, and separation of sections of the stadium.
Huracán obtains approval from the AFA to host a match in honor of people injured at its stadium.
AFA honors the efforts of the police chief in providing a safe atmosphere at the stadium. This recognition should be read in the context of the coup that took place a few months ago and the promise of the military to restore social order. These AFA…
Police announce a series of measures to curb fan disorders, including stationing retired policeman at ticket windows to monitor the resale of tickets, barring spectators from bringing objects into stadiums that could inflict damage, and prosecuting…
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