Browse Items (86 total)
Headline: “Scandal in Wembley, a broken dream and the English exit that was unjust” seemed like a matter-of-fact report on the match; however, some detail appears on the dismissal of Argentine captain Umberto Rattín. He approached the referee in…
A nice overview of the why, where, and how soccer schools will introduce a national plan of action Implicit in this overview is that club-level schools will need to fall in place with any national initiatives
As part of a regular column entitled "Reflexiones de un 'santo'", Kike asks fans to behave rationally when the team loses. A growing trend is emerging of fans threatening or verbally abusing players if they do not perform well, which Kike believes…
The coach absolves himself of any of the violence in the match but tries to defend his players while not excusing the worst behavior
By posing this question Juvenal examines the strengths and weaknesses of Estudiantes and the national team
The behavior of Estudiantes is central to this story and the penalties levied by the AFA and the government
Several players arte expelled as "el senor brusca" rears his head in this match
Players do not respect national team coach Juan Carlos Lorenzo. The press, observing the team at practice, noticed that players responded negatively to the head coach: complaining under their breath, laughing at him behind his back, even other…
Notions of good sportsmanship are outlined in this piece by a member of the club
Using Nestor Rossi's outspoken and loud demeanor on the field, River wonders why his vociferousness is appreciated with the national team as a sign of pride but chastised with River Plate as a sign of disrespect.
In the second exhibition match vs. San Lorenzo, Real Madrid showed how poor Argentine squads are in terms of athleticism, conditioning, and efficiency. River Plate has been champion for several years and San Lorenzo is currently one of the best teams…
Among the many traits exhibited, discipline and individualism-seemingly at odds with each other-worked because coach Stábile provided players to room to improvise and the players demostrated an ability to regulate themselves on and off the field In…
In the match between Independiente and River Plate, the expulsion of Nestor Rossi demonstrates that referees often deal with particular players in a severely excessive manner
Interesting because it lists many coaches in Argentina (including the long-running coach of the national team, Stabile) who favored tactical and defense-minded "no gol" approaches rather than a continuation of allowing players to improvise on the…
Citing their humanity, the magazine pleads with readers to respect referees, who are not perfect and make mistakes.
A more positive look at Lorenzo (could it be because Panzeri and Lazzatti left El Grafico?) The interviewer seeks to understand what happened in Chile and why Lorenzo rose and fell so quickly Lorenzo speaks frankly about players and his approach to…
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