Browse Items (85 total)
Racing's victory, going back to a more attacking soccer, is praised in El Grafico
Before "Menottismo" and "Bilardismo", Racing and Estudiantes exemplified 2 distinctly different approaches. One places emphasis on high scoring with many forwards and playing long balls into space-a vertical style akin to what is practiced in Europe.…
Without the individual creativity and play of Pando, the Argentine national team lacks the consistency and organization needed to win
In this article, “Se Impone La Necesidad de Cambiar Metodos”, Lucero believes there may be some fixes to what Rácing can do before the next match, but Celtic was clearly in better physical shape, quicker, and mentally sharper. Russian players train…
A more positive look at Lorenzo (could it be because Panzeri and Lazzatti left El Grafico?) The interviewer seeks to understand what happened in Chile and why Lorenzo rose and fell so quickly Lorenzo speaks frankly about players and his approach to…
Both Racing and Estudiantes emerged in 1966 as revelatory teams, albeit different in approaches. One attacked with long balls and four forwards, while the other focused on preventing goals and counterattacking through its midfield.
Written as a letter to soccer officials, El Grafico warns of a suicidal trajectory of the national sport if "restructuring" and reform continues (after many years) to be empty rhetoric' [In a follow-up piece, El Grafico suggests that the decision is…
The coach who most influenced the modern style, the catenaccio, is dismissed from Inter Milan after eight years. The end of Herrera's stint in Italy was one of the first signs that his ultra-defensive style had run its course. In Argentina, the apex…
This commentary tries to discredit Estudiantes' style by stating that it cannot best the English at their own style of rugged play.
Journalists like Panzeri have long been enamored of Menotti's philosophy about how to play soccer. This article focuses on Huracan's coach, who will eventually become the national team coach in the 1978 World Cup, and whay he values in soccer:…
The last quote by Bilardo and Zubeldia sums it up: Argentine have shown that they can best the Europeans at their style (not just sport): physicality
Three of the greatest players in the recent memory when this interview was conducted, this is an engaging piece on attacking soccer and the current state of the sport. These men represented the antithesis of the current trends in soccer and succeeded…
1970 is a year where a turn occurs in Argentinean soccer (that can actually be attributed to Boca '69 or even racing '67)
The magazine labels Frondizi an enigma, and tries to explain Argentina's new president and governing philosophy to foreign readers.
Like Racing the year before, Estudiantes sets out to win,play collectively, and with humility Unlike Racing in 1966, this team "muerde", plays tough, and is more noted for asphixiating their opponents on the field
Pedro Dellacha, the old caudillo of the 1950s, says "El que detesta lo moderno es porque no está en la onda." This commentary reflects the resignation and eventual acceptance of older generations of players to the practical, win-at-all costs,…
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