Browse Items (38 total)
The first article is an opinion on why violence in soccer is a national problem, while the second one highlights the "blame game" that Boca Juniors fans played in the press in order to avoid any responsibility
This commentary takes the police to task for complaining about how the press covers their methods of subduing passionate soccer fans While on the one hand the police are needed to re-establish order, it is also the responsibility of the press to…
Great article. The national team coach, Maschio, is fired under pressure from sports reporters who found themselves suddenly limited in their access to the national team (but well within the boundaries for journalists). The interventor of AFA is also…
World reactions are almost universal about the level of ugly football. Uruguayan journalists impress the fact that these games were a shame on football. Meanwhile, the Spanish press notes the number of incidents that made a game into a war, but that…
Dutch players commented that the "lies" about Estudiantes were unfounded, they found the team and Argentina to be hosptable and courteous. Dutch papers followed suit, some arguing that Estudiantes was the same old team but lacking in the overall…
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
The magazine blames journalists, fans, and players that fed unrealistic expectations for Argentina's performance in the 1958 World Cup. These articles do a good job covering the anger felt by many.
English football officials lay flowers (dedicated by English sports writers). Eva's memorial at the CGT (Consejo General de Trabajo)
This advertisement contrasts the social disorder before Perón, and the calm he has brought to Argentina. A pure propaganda piece in Racing.
Argentine press routinely offered foreign accounts, even in 1944
Criticism of foul play emanates from the European press. Scottish outles are still unsure about the quality of the Argentine player and observe that Celtic will have to put the best offense to withstand attacks they will receive in Argentina. These…
More fan violence, this time affecting reporters.
Clarín reprints foreign press accounts on the matches between Celtic and Rácing. In Scotland, the press became indignant about the behavior of Rácing players: a “bunch of ruffians”, “Celtic try to protect itself against the brutal tactics of the team…
The author believes that Estudiantes-known for overly physical play and whining to officials-does deserve "preferential treatment": as the exception to a sport played by teams that respect the rules. A very helpful article in listing matches and…
Photo claims that the police were the assailants.
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