Browse Items (19 total)
A pretty straightforward account of the second match between Rácing and Celtic during the 1967 Intercontinental Cup. Little mention is made of the projectile that hit Celtic goalkeeper Ronnie Simpson before the match began.
This is an account of how a Rácing supporter incapacitated Celtic goalkeeper Ronnie Simpson with a projectile (glass bottle)–an embarassment for Argentineans.
Huracan fans, angry watching a losing match, found no other way to show their displeasure than to begin throwing projectiles which hit a player–laid out on the floor–that led to police intervention. The downpour of projectiles received a response…
The match between Independiente and San Lorenzo continues to garner attention in the press due to the incidents on the field and the stands. Several reports surfaced the previous day as well. Independiente praised the performance of its team…
The paper characterizes the match between Independiente and San Lorenzo as one worth forgetting, an un-esraseable stain on the game. It assigns some blame to the referee for being inconsistent with the fouls that were called and perhaps too quick to…
The match ended 9 to 1, but devolved into a very harsh and physical game, leading to anti-sports mentality. As far as the ugly incidents at the end of the game: “mejor es olvidarlo”. Players tackled violently, several were expelled, and bottles and…
This 1950 article does a good job of showing how journalists continuously lamented the current state of affairs and looked at the past nostalgically...but the past was frought with violence as well.
One article tries to summarize why a fan struck the referee with an orange in the left eye, while the other article blasts fans who should be exiled to uncivilized places of the world.
This time, Bolivian police and fans were the chief protagonists during violent incidents at a match between the 2 countries
Critiques the behavior and actions of both "hinchas" and the police The former is increasingly prone to throwing objects at players and referees, while the latter acts slowly to unruly fans (and then simply threatens to gas fans)
A fan throws a projectile at a match in Temperley
The first cartoon pokes fun at throwing bottles at a referee, while the second ridicules the immaturity of men who shun responsibility.
Despite the attack on Ronnie Simpson, the match went fairly well with exceptional officiating from the Uruguayan official. The attack on the Celtic goalkeeper before the match, however, was an embarrassment for the nation, but fans could not be held…
Unclear whether El Grafico selectively chooses to publish incidents at stadiums but this episode is noticeable amid a mood of positive hope on the state of Argentine soccer (but negative disillusionment at fans?)
The situation with Nueva Chicago fans is getting out of hand according to El Grafico
Highlights the incidents that marred a match between Argentina and Bolivia, and led AFA officials and players to consider withdrawing from the tournament out of safety concerns
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