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Although the majority of the article provides space for a critic of the national team to air his views, the idea that the national team will win the 1958 World Cup is portrayed as an almost-inevitability.
Of note is that press coverage in 1958 heralded the return of Labruna to the national team one week before the team left for Sweden as a desperate attempt to fix a flawed team. However, Labruna featured here, in 1957, as a player whose contributions…
Frondizi cites four main problems facing Argentina: lack of social peace, the failure to maintain institutional normalcy, judicial instability, and economic instability. He outlines an end to political repressions and calls for judicial guarantees,…
Rain forces Real Madrid to train indoors, but that does not deter their ability to train. The Spanish side are hailed as a model of professionalism.
Compare data to 1957
The exodus of players at the beginning of the decade, coupled with the abandonment of clubs that historically fed excellent players to the major clubs, has resulted in a situation where the AFA doesn't seem to have answers and continously draws on…
Chart shows to some degree how funds were allocated for club projects.
Goles labels Bolivia and Chile, hardly South American powers in 1957, as "enemies" in an optimistic piece ahead of the 1958 World Cup
Almost every popular magazine profiled Frondizi either on the eve of his election, or afterwards. Here, the magazine takes a look at personal life of the President-elect.
In a letter to critical "hinchas", the author wonders if it is beneficial for fans to launch insults to players as they prepare for the World Cup
Both authors concur that the matches did not live up to the hype, just average in quality. Baliari even accused Real Madrid of using a "cerrojo" defensive approach.
Questions how soccer officials failed to see the scheduling problem, at the cost of club revenues, between the national tournament and the World Cup
Assesses the changes and adaptations needed for success moving forward: better preparation, more speed, less pride (and sense of entitlement鈥ore humility), and a harder work ethic.
Citing the successful models in Europe these two officials look at needed reforms for the upcoming season in Argentine soccer as a good step towards dealing with loss of revenue. One change was to ensure than no more than one 'clásico' is held on a…
Now named by AFA, Mario Linker is honored by a moment of silence.

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According to El Grafico, Lorenzo seemed to acknowledge that his approach did not work and let the most talented players play "a lo criollo") Why? Desperation to not be humiliated again like in Sweden This article lacks any investigative value by not…
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