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Hinchas love their players…too much
This piece by Ribas is part of an ongoing feature in La Cancha entitled "La opiniones de Justiniano Calles". In this piece, and the accompanying cartoon, the author asks how peaceful fans can become violent?
Cartoon shows either fans riling up a player, or viceversa.
Linker's death receives more attention than in El Grafico
Critiques the behavior and actions of both "hinchas" and the police The former is increasingly prone to throwing objects at players and referees, while the latter acts slowly to unruly fans (and then simply threatens to gas fans)
A match between Lanus and Racing is delayed by a player feigning injury, then attacked by police, then escorted off the field, and finally the home team tying. Police (not surprisingly) launch gas canisters at unruly crowd. The accompanying article…
The commentator is worried that Argentina is ill-equipped to host a World Cup when scenes of mayhem and referee intimidation are a constant in the national pastime.
Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.
A somewhat empty article if El Grafico does not offer a specific way for "good" fans to get rid of "bad" fans; however, the article is symptomatic of the main concerns facing Argentine soccer in 1962
The harassing of referees, presence of fans on the field, gas canisters and hoses aimed at hinchas, and other routine incidents call for a reform structure and morality in Argentine soccer.
Are fans from the popular class being priced out?
The article criticizes fans for demanding victories and turning violent when matches do not go in their favor.
The players, who were owed some money by the club due to their success earlier in the year, protested by refusing to play. Instead, they sat in the stands and observed reserve players on the field. Fans, upset at the presence of the star players in…
The article warns that a new type of young male goes to the stadiums only to incite violence or commit crimes, not watch the game
Citing they inability to police mass amounts of fans, and growing incidents that take place at stadiums, clubs are petitioning for more police presence. They also cite that the lower division teams are in a worse situation.
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