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Images include Perón declaring the Games to begin
The 1951 Pan-American Games are not as overtly patriotic in El Gráfico as in other magazines; international athletes receive good coverage. However, these games (perhaps forced) featured much more coverage of Perón than usual. The ceremonies were…
Although the Education department hosted an annual youth festival honoring students, the staging, imagery and focus on physical aptitude all echo what critics would cite as fascist symbolism and indoctrination of youth.
The departure of Di Stéfano, Pedernera, Rossi, and Ferreira to Colombia left a sour taste for AFA and club officials. It also continued to generate news in Argentina, especially with the imminent departure of Félix Loustau to Cali de Colombia.
Evita called on Dr. Rodolfo Valenzuela, head of the COA (Comité Olímpico Argentino), to address the concerns of working-class athletes (los deportistas descamisados) in order to align with the president's mission to further social justice, economic…
Describing the incidents as "an unprecedented scandal" ("un escándolo como no se recuerda otro en una cancha de Rosario"), the writer explains how no rational exists to justify what took place in Rosario, specifically the number of women and children…
Local fans ('adictos') in Rosario storm the south end of the field and tear down wire fences to attack the match referee for what they deemed as suspicious calls in favor of San Lorenzo. Police threatened to use tear gas, which only increased the ire…
Pointing to their shared roots in La Boca neighborhood, La Nación characterizes the match between River Plate and Boca Juniors as a great rivlary match (but not as the defining match of Argentine fútbol as of yet). The second match of the day,…
Propaganda image that ties Peron to soccer, he is surrounded by loyalist government officials
FREJULI candidate Hector Campora climbs a fence at Atlanta's stadium, acting like an hincha
Children invade the field to celebrate with players
Boca Juniors is forced by AFA rules to split revenue–even when its home matches are mostly full of Boca Juniors fans. As a result, the article condemns these policies that wind up cheating those who make revenue possible: fans.
Even after the tragedy of Puerta 12, club officials still sell more tickets than seats…causing mass confusion and overcrowding that has been shown to be unsafe for spectators.
The article is less useful than some basic data about attendance and gate receipts (but not addressing inflation).
The city government of Buenos Aires enacts serious safety measures that fútbol clubs and AFA (under federal intervention) cannot meet, thus deemed deficient. These measures were put in place in the wake of the tragedy of "Puerta 12".
This helpful article lists, according to eyewitnesses, the various accounts of what happened to cause the stadium disaster.
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