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Panzeri uses the easing of sanctions on River Plate as a moment to chastise club officials and politicians Acknowledging that politics has no business in soccer, he nonetheless feels that soccer is synonymous with citizenry and that journalists can…
Writer is clearly exasperated that fans continue to throw projectiles and hurt players, that the police does little to deter such actions, and that other fans do not take some form of action into their own hands Soccer, it seems, is under attack
According to El Grafico, Lorenzo seemed to acknowledge that his approach did not work and let the most talented players play "a lo criollo") Why? Desperation to not be humiliated again like in Sweden This article lacks any investigative value by not…
Rain forces Real Madrid to train indoors, but that does not deter their ability to train. The Spanish side are hailed as a model of professionalism.
Professionalism, quality, temperament, and quality in playing style characterize Real Madrid and expose Argentine soccer for its lower level of quality. Di Stéfano demonstrated why he is considered the best in the world.
Both authors concur that the matches did not live up to the hype, just average in quality. Baliari even accused Real Madrid of using a "cerrojo" defensive approach.
Empanadas, pijamas, and other behind the scenes images of Frondizi on election day.

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Jornalist El Bachiller wrote a weekly column, of which he dedicated a bit this week to the problems in Liniers. He appeals to civility and rememberance near Mother's Day for the woman who lost a son.
Notice how the Argentine press begins to take notice of the alarming rise of Brazilian futebol, which served as a reminder that Argentine fútbol was on a long decline that required attention.
Of note is that press coverage in 1958 heralded the return of Labruna to the national team one week before the team left for Sweden as a desperate attempt to fix a flawed team. However, Labruna featured here, in 1957, as a player whose contributions…
One win away from qualifying for the World Cup finals in Sweden, Goles offers an optimistic assessment of Argentine fútbol.
This deciding match for who would go to Sweden turned violent after Argentina took the lead. Several players were expelled, and Goles lays the blame squarely on the visiting Bolivian side for resorting to violence to avoid an embarassing score line.
Goles accuses AFA of ignoring the various problems afecting Argentine fútbol: the exods of talented players, the decline of quality fútbol, the fiscal mismanagement at clubs, the lack of stadium safety, etc.
Ardigo is optimistic about Argentina's chances after its World Cup draw, which includes West Germany, Northern Ireland, and Czechoslovakia. Goles thus becomes part of the commerical media that painted an optimistic picture of Argentina's chances.
The problem of improvisation in Argentine fútbol became the underlying reasons for all the "crises" in the sport (stadium insecurity, player transfers, low scoring, and above all the lack of global success).
Argentina's poor performance against Uruguay, in a game marked by violent behavior by players on both sides, raises alarms in the Argentine press.
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