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One of the recurring criticisms in the press after the debacle of the 1958 World Cup was the fear of losing that took hold among players. But here, in 1957, we see this same theme of "derrotismo" appear. Goles acknowledges that losing is part of the…
Goles often focused on the exploits of Argentine players in Spain and Italy, including player profiles like this piece, or through coverage of the Italian Serie A and Spain's La Liga.
Ardizzone prefers that Argentina lose because they replaced their head coach at the last second (what would be an unsurprising move by the AFA), than to lose with Lorenzo in an embarassing manner like 1958 Lorenzo has lost his players, some of whom…
Panzeri lauds the qualities of Argentina's captain, Nestor Rossi, while lamenting the dearth of quality players to support him More troubling is that the players selected for the national team all possess disparate qualities that do not mesh well,…
Argentina's loss to Uruguay begins to sound the alarms among fans and journalists back home.
Criticizes the investigations and disciplinary measures by an AFA that is ineffectual and ignores the real problems with Argentinean soccer
Jornalist El Bachiller wrote a weekly column, of which he dedicated a bit this week to the problems in Liniers. He appeals to civility and rememberance near Mother's Day for the woman who lost a son.
By focusing on athleticism and training, no criticism is leveld at the style of polay of the Argentine player. 'Simply work harder' is the common lesson learned from 1958.
The editorial commentary cites AFA as a noble institution, but one incapable of reforming soccer in the country.
Provides a measured take on why Argentine soccer is self-defeating, from club policies to the politicization of the sport
Argentina will not call players to the national team who play abroad. This articles is helpful for ideas of national identity, the ´pull´of clubs, and the sense of overconfidence in World Cup preparation.
One win away from qualifying for the World Cup finals in Sweden, Goles offers an optimistic assessment of Argentine fútbol.
Condemns the actions of "hinchas" that overshadowed the soccer game and cost the life of a young fan Panzeri blames the animalistic fans, who threw projectiles at the River goalie throughout the match In turn, the River fans retaliated and police…
Panzeri uses the easing of sanctions on River Plate as a moment to chastise club officials and politicians Acknowledging that politics has no business in soccer, he nonetheless feels that soccer is synonymous with citizenry and that journalists can…
The election of Frondizi is hailed as the return of democracy (as opposed to the dictatorship under Perón)
Ahead of a planned demonstration on May 1, workers continued to apply pressure that causes and is met with violence
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